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Making the most out of your veggies

Updated: Apr 22

Healthy food can be equally yummy and delicious if prepared properly.

It is really unfortunate to see that many people have mistaken healthy & plant based foods as boring, tasteless and lack of nutrients !!!

Well, if someone is eating only raw veggies, raw fruits or half cooked foods without proper dressings, condiments and without understanding the nutritional values those meals providing then its not unusual to conclude that healthy & plant based gourmets are utterly boring, tasteless foods !!!

Healthy Junk Foods !!!!! Is it really possible ???

We are Food Lovers who have firm belief that Plant Based Real foods are the true medicines to keep a person Healthy, Cheerful, Fit and Active throughout his life. And we also believe that the Healthy Food can be equally tasty and delicious as normal foods if prepared properly.

We can guide you on how to make healthy foods tasty and still managing the nutritional aspects. Herewith sharing a recipe of making delicious, yummy Pakora using Banamin HealthyBhoj Green Banana Flour and Veggies. As we said, if one can balance the condiments, spices and right cooking time, one can always have the delicious and yummy foods using veggies !!!!!

Happy Eating !!!!! Let Your Affair With the Foods Begin Once Again !!!!

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